
Creazul was created by Maria Helena Carnet. It is located in a villa in Caxias, close to Lisbon. Its students are mostly people with a desire to learn Azulejo tile painting, an art that has brought beauty to countless palaces, churches and mansions in Portugal, for over 5 centuries. Their cultural and geographical origins are the most diverse (in 2017 we've had people from 4 continents!).

The school welcomes trainees of any skill level; from beginners who have never drawn in their lives, to experts in oil painting or porcelain! Their objectives are varied: some want to create some art pieces and find a new hobby while others want to decorate their homes with Azulejo tiles handpainted according to their personalities (with an interesting price range!).


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Maria Helena Carnet was born in Portugal and studied Modern Languages and Literature in Universidade do Minho. She then went to Paris where she went on to get her diploma on History of Art and Museology from the École du Louvre.

She combines a strong artistic culture with expert control over the so-unique Azulejo tile painting technique. Gifted with great talent for teaching, she helps everyone find a place in this art form, so typically portuguese.